The First-Ever Interactive Roadmap Game NFT

6 min readDec 16, 2021

Community First Approach & The Long-Term NFT Building

We’ve seen quite a few projects released with mundane, short-term roadmaps that, put plainly, suck. We don’t want to be one of them. We are doing something completely different.. Something community-based.

Collections’ Total Supply

Genesis Collection: The Miners- 300 Supply

Collection 2: The Miner Defenders- 3000 Supply

Collection 3: The Coblynau Goblin Horde- Supply TBD

Possible other collections TBD

Those Committed To The Project Get Rewarded.

Throughout our planning stages, we wanted to reward those Diamond Hands (…or Diamond Pickaxes as we call them internally.)

To this, we have some dedicated devs that have built an interactive roadmap game (more on this in a bit.)

All those that hold the Genesis collection and our Miner Defender collection will get a chance to mint the Third collection after The Miner Defenders mint out. The third collection’s name is The Coblynau Goblin Horde and will be completely free (just pay gas.)

Back story

The Miners were a hard-working active mining forge that lived out of the village of Alexerem.

Throughout the years, there had been reports of The Coblynau Goblin Horde by some traders that passed through the mining camp but no miners had seen them.

That was until one night.. The Goblins who had been traveling causing havoc on small villages came across the mine.

In the middle of the night, the goblins stormed the camp killing many of the miners.. Only retreating after reinforcements from The King of Alexerem (a man highly dependent on the mining ore) arrived.

After all was said and done, the mining camp was down from 851 to just 300 miners.

The king, knowing how valuable the ore was, sent troops to the camp whose responsibility was not only to help mine more ore.. To which there was plenty but also to guard the camps from the wretched goblins.

Rumors first heard from a traveler that many of the goblins were weak-willed. Willing to switch sides at a drop of a hat.

But, this, like many other stories of the goblins, were only rumors… For now.

The Interactive Roadmap Explained

The interactive roadmap game weaved into the story behind The Miners.

We will have certain pre- and post- launch announcements on Twitter and Discord about any situation pertaining to the story.

You’ll have a limited amount of time to decide on the given storyline.

The situation may look something like this:

Goblins storm your mining village.

Do you:

  1. Runaway and gather more miners to defend
  2. Stay and fortify your base

Making your decision doesn’t immediately lead to a consequence, but it does get a response in the storyline.

Once the event countdown reaches 0, we then have the results. Players with a larger team of NFTs (miners, defenders and so on) will generally receive a greater reward. More specifically, the Genesis Miners are like the original 300 Spartans in the battle of Thermopylae, so they’ll have a greater weight.

The Miners that make the best decision(s) given the situation will be given the chance to mint our third collection The Coblynau Goblin Horde free (just pay gas.)

Again, The Genesis Miners will be weighed more heavily; but the exact rules are TBD.

The more of The Genesis Miners and The Miner Defenders you hold the more chances you will get.

The amount that each wallet will get to mint is TBD. But we can see some wallets getting to mint 4–5 of the Goblins while others that weren’t active or didn’t participate mint 0.

The Secret Event

We have a secret event that will launch sometime after the genesis collection launch.

All we are saying for now is that this will be VERY Community Driven.

Stay active.

Start Technical Journey… (skip if it bores you)

So! Now that we have some market requirements…

1. Architecture

The gist of the core loop is simple: Event. Action. (wait.) Results. Leaderboard.

  • StoryEvent
  • UserStoryAction
  • StoryEventResults
  • Leaderboard

The more detailed flow has a few loops:

  1. Trigger: Event starts and is automatically posted in Discord.
  2. Action: Clicking the event leads to the web app
  3. Variable Reward: (after logging in) You get a new piece of story with…
  4. Trigger: A Call To Take Action.
  5. Action: User signs action cryptographically with their MetaMask wallet.
  6. Variable Reward: See the interim results. (X out of Y saw and took action so far — but the countdown is still ticking) AND show the action in Discord.
  7. Trigger: When the Event ends…
  8. Variable Reward: …you will learn whether or not you made the right decision. (win/lose based on xyz)
  9. Progress: A stat must accumulate (XP)

Based on this we show a leaderboard with the winners at the top.

Let us begin with the end in mind, which is the user story.

Because the requirements seem fairly trivial, I’ll skip making a morphological chart and go straight for solutions that are simple and good enough:

Triggering event: We periodically check a Postgres database for an event with an interval on a NodeJS server. Is it due and not started yet? THEN start the beast!

Posting in Discord: We use a simple Discord webhook for this.

Clicking event: It’s a simple link going to the web app with the event ID.


Login Gate: Connect to MetaMask + Sign a token cryptographically.

New piece of story: The event is shown, with its content.

Taking action: Click the button, and sign your action using ethers.js implementation of the EIP-712 standard. (This will cost NO-gas fee because we’re recording it off-chain, but everyone can verify that it was the user’s action cryptographically. ) This signed action will go to the API server for verification and will be saved in the centralised database. Alternatively, we might not need to sign every action, and only sign to confirm ownership of your Ethereum account address.

Interim Results: We can show the current status of the event, fetched from the API server and displayed in the web app. If you took action, we post that in Discord also with the webhook.

Trigger Event Ends + Posting: Similar as with starting the event, once the countdown hits 0, we notify the Discord channel with a web hook…

…but what also needs to happen is to figure out the WIN/LOSE.

Let’s defer this decision, and just reserve a module for dealing with this.

The results of the will be posted; i.e. what happened and who won / who lost.

Progress: Directly after, a leaderboard gets generated that shows the new ranking… This might scale badly if we post the entire ranking, so we’ll probably simply post the TOP 10 to Discord, and a /leaderboard link to the web app where you can see more.

That’s it in terms of technical details for now! The Discord community will have a separate channel for dev updates, so stay tuned there…

Updates to our collections and the overall project will continue far past these three collections and will be updated as we push forward.

Follow us on Twitter at for future updates.

